(SOLD OUT!) LifeBreath® in Chicago: Yoga and iRest Meditation 3-Day Immersion Training for Medical Practitioners & Allied Professionals

LifeBreath in Chicago is Sold Out

LifeBreath® in Chicago:
A Yoga and iRest Meditation 3-Day Immersion Training for Medical Practitioners & Allied Professionals

Venue: Sweet Pea’s Studio
3717 North Ravenswood, # 213, Chicago, Il 60613


Join LifeBreath® March 11th – 13th at Sweet Pea’s Studio in Chicago, IL for an evidence-based curriculum for Medical Practitioners & Allied Professionals, facilitated by Lillian Lennox LMHC C-iRest ERYT 500 of LifeBreath®.

THIS EVENT IS SOLD OUT. Please see our next LifeBreath in Chicago Event, coming November 2022. TICKETS AVAILABLE HERE! 

(Please note that the LifeBreath training will fully comply with the state of Illinois COVID-19 safety requirements and regulations at the time of attendance.)


  • 1st CURRICULUM To acquire skills / resources to increase resilience and protect against compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, burnout and post trauma injury (PTSD) in the workplace and in daily life
  • 2nd CURRICULUM For Mental Health and Frontline Professionals to increase knowledge and skills to bring meditation, breath practices, the Polyvagal Theory and cognition balancing based resources to their clients in clinical settings in a safe, effective and relevant way
2-Part evidence-based curriculum for Mental Health and Frontline Professionals offered by LifeBreath
LifeBreath is specifically designed to meet the growing demand for specialized traditional and CAM-based, trauma-informed clinicians and instructors.


4 Specific Categories We Will Cover

  • Introduction to Integrative Restoration iRest Yoga Nidra
  • Exploring Thought Bombs: Cognition & Consciousness through the lens of Vedanta Philosophy & Contemporary Psychology
  • Introduction to the Polyvagal Theory and Practices that Deepen Polyvagal Flexibility and Tone
  • Understanding the connection between signs, symptoms and stress injury


The LifeBreath training includes daily practices that are directly transferable to your clients including breathing exercises (pranayama) and iRest meditation.


Click here to download the Schedule!


LifeBreath Training provides resources for those who work in high stress, high stakes environments to increase resilience and to protect against psychological stress injuries. Offering meditation, breath practices, yoga, in depth on the polyvagal theory and cognition integrating resources that are safe, effective and relevant.



LifeBreath is designed to meet the growing demand for specialized traditional and CAM (complementary & alternative) stress management, resilience and performance-based trainings that are safe, effective & relevant.




The participant will be able incorporate western cognitive behavioral and eastern psychology to increase management of cognition including cognitive distortions and unhelpful core beliefs to efficiently and effectively clear thought obstacles and restore cognitive integration and balance.

The participant will be able to use the polyvagal theory including practices for up-regulation to promote tone and flexibility between connection and mobilization, as well as meditation, yoga and breathing exercises for down-regulation to access safety, inner resources and stillness.

Recommended Reading Relevant To Training

  • Porges, S. W. (2011) The polyvagal theory: Neurophysiological foundations of emotions, attachment, communication, and self- regulation New York: W.W Norton
  • Van Der Kolk, B. A. (2014) The body keeps the score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma. New York, NY, US: Viking




Participant will be able to incorporate practices and resources to assist in the integration of stress injury, and protect against further injury. Stress based injury includes vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue and burnout. Stress based injury can also include traumatic reaction and post-traumatic stress injury (PTSI).

LifeBreath Training will assist to increase mental and physical health & well-being.



Stress is one of the greatest challenges for people and may create difficulties that profoundly impact our connection with self and others.

Stress ‘managed’ can be a source of motivation, deep creativity and change. Stress ‘unmanaged’ can be catastrophic.

Chronic or overwhelming stress can disrupt every physiological function and contributes in significant ways to acute and chronic psychological and physical disorders including heart disease, autoimmune disorders, pain, depression, PTSI and addiction.

“Stress is the underlying cause of 60% of all human illness and disease.”– American Institute of Stress.


CAGE code and DUNS number AVAILABLE

US Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code: 8JNNO

DUNS number: 117458207

To Bring To The Training

  • A Yoga Blanket
  • Your Own Water Bottle (Refills are Available Onsite!)
  • Desired Snacks
  • A Yoga Mat
  • Eye Pillow (Optional)